Spirit Animal
Fun Fact
I was certified as a hip hop instructor
Happy Place
With My Boys
Favorite Book
The Alchemist
“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves”
Henry David Thoreau
Video Highlights: I am :54 Pressure 2:18 House Fire 2:49 Wake Up Call 3:33 Answers 4:29
The Funeral 6:00 Get out of the box 6:27 Realignment 7:05 Your Turn 8:16 My Commitment 9:02
Hi, I'm Laura
For over 12 years, I've been guiding women on the rise to live with purpose, find inner peace, feel their strength and unlock their full potential.
While I'll share a bit about my journey, this page is about you. I've committed myself to unraveling why many successful women face self-doubt, loneliness, exhaustion, and a disconnection from the version of them that knew what they wanted and had the energy to get it.
These women want to feel connected, significant, to live freely as their authentic selves, and I've taken on this journey so you don't have to navigate it alone.
You see I’m a lifelong learner, truth seeker, mother, trainer, coach, wife, woman. I’m a believer, a doer, a dream chaser, I’ve fallen down and gotten back up, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve risen.
To the outside world, it seemed I had a great life, I found my success, but internally, I was at a crossroads between achievement and fulfillment. I had become a master at disguise.
Despite my career successes, leading a top fitness department, winning community awards, and rubbing elbows with some of Los Angeles finest, a small voice whispered, "Isn’t there more?"
I was told I was having an identity crisis or making an impulsive trauma response, but I knew, it was my soul's awakening—a call to something greater.
There was constant pressure to meet rising targets and navigate changes within the company took a toll on me. As our organization underwent a major overhaul with a new CEO, I found myself in a tough spot, asked to hide truths from my team that I knew would deeply affect their livelihood.
Every day felt like a struggle, despite my outward success. Then, on April 3rd my apartment caught on fire. It was 6 am and my mother, younger son and I were running past flames to safety. My first call was to work to have my first lead appointment covered because I knew they wanted to buy a serious amount of sessions and we were so close to hitting our 20% over target again.
OMG.....Did I just call work?
We could of died or been seriously injured.
I could of lost it all.
Our family had already had 3 funerals this year alone.
Did I just call work? Oh Hell No!
It was a wakeup call, a stark reminder of how fragile life can be.
I realized I couldn't continue down the same path. I took a step back, deciding to take a break and reassess my life. It was time to prioritize my well-being and realign my path with my true purpose, especially after enduring the loss of three loved ones.
I felt lost. My energy, passion and peace of mind were gone, and I needed a change and I needed it NOW.
I started looking for answers everywhere. I asked my friends, family and my astrological chart. I hired a Life Vision Coach and made a kickass vision board with instructions to make it all happen.
I spoke with recruiters, looked at teaching and speaking gigs, met with an agent, considered being a spokesperson for a CBD shop that was going to change the face of wellness in West Hollywood, even changing careers all together. (I have always appreciated interior design)
But I was operating out of fear; and a whole lot of conditioning that had brainwashed me into believing I should do it alone.
Until I made a deathbed promise to my brother Mark.
Mark was one of the people in my life who got me like no one else. He was a protector, a wild pirate and full of life in a way like nobody else I had ever known. His was the 4th of 8 funerals I would attend in 6 years. (F. You Cancer)
Mark was magnetic, he had charisma seeping out of his pores and I sat at his bedside trying to soak up every ounce of him I could. He opens his eyes after a short nap and says to me, You have to get out of that box. I am leaving now and it is your turn to go big on changing people's lives. To fight the good fight and spread the message of what’s possible. I am handing it over to you.”
The way I see it, I had no choice
In the process of realigning my life, I left my career now misaligned with my dreams.
In the process of transformation, I became comfortable with getting uncomfortable.
In the process of alignment, I learned to be curious instead of afraid.
In the process of creating My Aligned Life Method, I found my way
Healing traumas, mystery illnesses, insecurities, grief… finding what had been forgotten, finding myself. Meeting my limits only to do it again and again.
Marriage. Miscarriage. Moves. Becoming a mother. Becoming myself. Divorce. Love. Life. Death. Growth beyond belief. Glorious and messy.
It’s taken so many tears, starts and stops, setbacks and set ups to define success – to finally find true happiness – first for myself and then for other women.
Let's Talk About You:
What if you could feel deeply seen and understood in every aspect of your life?
What if you could fully experience the present moment, free from distractions and worries?
What if you could find fulfillment and joy in both your professional and personal pursuits?
What if you could embrace happiness and contentment without guilt or compromise?
What if you could love your job, yourself, and your life unconditionally?
I Am Committed:
I am committed to empowering you to achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment, without guilt or compromise. I will help you find your personal blend of mind, body, and soul work.
Together we will discover a path to balance, freedom, and understanding of who you are at the core and how you want your life to feel. With tailored tools, expertise, and support. you will finally be living your big beautiful life rather than working through it.